Welcome - NOTS Archives

Written by Administrator -

This was the first post I made on the archives, September 2014:

This site is to document all of the Nerd on the Street websites, which are all still around on our server. Small projects might not be listed here, but anything that we used for at least a few weeks will be preserved. I'm using AnchorCMS for this project, as I love its lightweight design but don't have a use for it at the moment.

The websites linked to from here should be very close to how they appeared when they were live. The only changes I'll make is to preserve links within the website-- changing a link from nerdonthestreet.com to beta.nerdonthestreet.com, for instance.

I hope you enjoy looking through the various Nerd on the Street communities that have existed. You can definitely see how much we've grown.

-Jacob Kauffmann